
CAS: 64-17-5
Chemical formula: C2H5OH or CH3CH2OH
Synonyms: Ethyl alcohol, technical spirits, bioethanol
Concentration <40% +20°C suitable, +60°C= limited, some impact on the tank, contact us for advice and probable service life
Concentration 41-96% +20°C= limited, +60°C= limited, some impact on the tank, contact us for advice and probable life expectancy

Density: Depending on concentration 0.8-1.0kg/l 


Ethanol is mainly used as a fuel, solvent, or for cleaning and disinfection. Higher concentrations may have some effect on CPX tanks and containers but the process is slow. Therefore, we recommend contacting our technicians for an investigation of your particular project.  

Storage - Ethanol

Ethanol is flammable and must be stored in a well-ventilated area in a closed container or tank. Manufacturers recommend that Ethanol be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight so larger storage tanks placed outdoors may benefit from having black paint on the tank. 

Dosage/Mixture - Ethanol

Brands - Ethanol


Pipes - Ethanol 


Gaskets - Ethanol



Ethanol is volatile and flammable.