Automotive Industry
Plastic Components for the Automotive Industry
In both commercial and passenger vehicles, numerous components are suitable for rotational molding. One of the major advantages of rotational molding is the significant design freedom it offers, allowing products to be tailored for optimal functionality and appearance. This method enables complex shapes with intricate details. A tank or air duct can be formed in practically any desired manner, allowing us to effectively utilize the available space within the vehicle. By involving Cipax early in a project, you can benefit from our expertise in the development and design of products. Our engineers assist you in finding the best solution.
Quality assured and weight reducing
A rotational molded product is manufactured in one piece, completely free of stresses and joints. This makes it robust and durable, even in the presence of vibrations and temperature changes. Our material is approved for fuel handling and also eliminates the risk of condensation or deposits forming in the same way as in tanks made of other materials.
Weight is a crucial parameter in vehicle manufacturing as it directly affects fuel consumption. Components such as tanks and air ducts are advantageously manufactured using rotational molded plastic as they weigh significantly less than their metal counterparts.